Terms and Conditions and Consumer Information § 1 Basic provisions (1) The following terms and conditions apply to all contracts between Heinz-Peter Hebbel, Im Auchtert 32, 72186 Empfingen, Germany - hereinafter called the provider - and the customer, which are closed on the website hockey.hps-sport-shop.de of the provider , Unless otherwise agreed, the inclusion of customer's own conditions is contradicted. (2) A consumer within the meaning of the following rules is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for a purpose that can not be attributed to their commercial or self-employed occupational activity. An entrepreneur is any natural or legal person or a legal partnership that, in the course of entering into a legal transaction, is exercising its independent professional or commercial activity. (3) Contract language is German. The full text of the contract will not be saved by the provider. Before submitting the order via the online shopping cart system, the contract data can be printed out or saved electronically using the browser's print function. After the order has been received by the provider, the order data, the information required by law for distance contracts and the general terms and conditions will be sent to the customer by e-mail. For offer requests, e.g. are sent to the provider, the customer receives all contract data as part of a binding offer sent by email, which the customer can print or secure electronically. § 2 Subject of the contract Subject of the contract is the sale of goods. The details, in particular the essential features of the goods can be found in the item description and the additional information on the website of the provider. § 3 Conclusion of the contract (1) The product representations of the provider on the Internet are not binding and no binding offer to conclude a contract. (2) The customer can submit a binding purchase order (order) via the online shopping cart system. The goods intended for purchase are stored in the "shopping cart." Via the corresponding button in the navigation bar, the customer can call up the "shopping cart" and make changes there at any time. After opening the "Cashier" page and entering the personal data as well as the payment and shipping conditions, all order data will be shown on the order summary page. Insofar as the customer uses the instant payment system "PayPal - Express" by clicking on the "PayPal Express" button integrated in the shop system, it will be forwarded to the login page of PayPal. After successful registration, the customer will be shown his address and account information deposited with PayPal. The "continue" button redirects the customer back to the vendor's online shop on the order overview page. Before submitting the order, the customer has the opportunity to review all information here again, to change (also via the function "back" of the Internet browser) or cancel the purchase. By submitting the order via the button "order with obligation to pay", the customer submits a binding offer to the provider. The customer first receives an automatic email about the receipt of his order, which does not lead to the conclusion of the contract yet. (3) The acceptance of the offer (and thus the conclusion of the contract) takes place either by confirmation in text form (for example email), in which the customer the processing of the order or delivery of the goods is confirmed or by sending the goods. If the customer has not received an order confirmation or notification of delivery or goods within 5 days, he is no longer bound by his order. Any services already provided will be reimbursed immediately in this case. (4) Customer requests for individual quotations outside of the online shopping cart system, which are transmitted to the provider, are non - binding for the customer. The provider submits to the customer a binding offer in writing (for example by email), which the customer can accept within 5 days. (5) The processing of the order and transmission of all information required in connection with the conclusion of the contract is partially automated by email. Therefore, the customer has to ensure that the email address he has provided to the provider is correct, that the reception of the emails is technically ensured and in particular not prevented by SPAM filters. § 6 shipping costs, return costs upon exercise of the right of withdrawal In the case of the exercise of consumer applicable the statutory provisions of distance contracts. The buyer bears the return costs of the delivered goods, unless the delivered goods do not correspond to those ordered. From a purchase value of € 150.00 the shipping is free within Germany. Should the customer make use of his right of withdrawal (in whole or in part), then the normal shipping fee will apply later. The rules governing the return and the respective obligation to pay costs are not affected by this. As a special service for customers with a German delivery address, we offer a return at the expense of the seller, provided that the item remains with an order value of more than € 300 after the item has been returned. Request a pre-franked parcel stamp via e-mail at info@hps-sport-shop.de. Tennis rackets / hockey stick For the return of tennis rackets, two conditions apply: The plastic wrap around the handle / shaft has not been removed. The tennis racket was not used. The racquet has no tennis ball fluff on the strings or scratches on the frame. clothing Clothing can only be returned unwashed, unworn, and clean. The original labels still have to be on the clothes. Clothing that has already been worn, washed, or soiled (such as make-up, dirt, etc.) can not be returned and can not be exchanged. Shoes / skates / roller blades For the return of shoes two conditions apply: The shoes must be NEW, must not have been worn outside the home and may show no signs of wear. If you wish to return NEW, UNWORN shoes for exchange or refund, it is necessary that the shoe box is not damaged. We can not sell shoes without the original shoe box. Any service performed, such as sanding the skates, can not be reimbursed when the skates are returned § 7 Right of retention, retention of title (1) The customer can only exercise a right of retention insofar as it concerns claims from the same contractual relationship. (2) The goods remain the property of the provider until full payment of the purchase price.